Hernias And Abdominal Pain

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Overview Of Abdominal Pain

  • Every person suffers from abdominal pain at some point in their life. Generally, this pain settles on its own and does not need medical assistance. Occasionally severe illnesses also cause abdominal pain which may need to be treated by a doctor.
  • Such illnesses must be seen to by taking appropriate medicines. A few instances of such disorders are; ulcers, kidney stone, gallstones, appendicitis and so forth.
  • The type of treatment might vary from pills to surgery depending on the type of abdominal pain.

What Is A Hernia?

  • The majority of us do not know what a hernia essentially is and most individuals see it as a mass of fat or tissue.
  • According to doctors though, a hernia occurs due to the protrusion of body organs extending to the external walls of the body.
  • This defect usually takes place when the muscles are weak.
  • A lot of the time, a hernia occurs following a surgical procedure, but doctors have recognized some other factors as well which can lead to a hernia.

Factors Related To Hernia’s

Tissue Damage

A hernia occurs due to the protrusion of body organs extending to the external walls of the body.
A hernia occurs due to the protrusion of body organs extending to the external walls of the body.

Tearing of the tissues as a result of injury is often related with the development of a hernia.


Men are more prone to have a hernia compared to females. Most of the time, men obtain a hernia in the groin region. The muscles in that area are weaker which results in a hernia.

Birth Defects

A lump close to the naval area might also be a sort of hernia that generally arises after birth. A hereditary defect in the abdominal wall results in the development of a hernia.


If you are experiencing severe constipation, you might have to put more effort when passing stools. This intense force might tear the abdominal tissues, which causes a hernia.

Genetic factor

Scientists have discovered that weakness of the muscles is genetically present at birth. Therefore, the likelihood of hernia is higher in people whose family members have experienced it.


A surplus of fat stretches the abdominal muscles and gradually makes them weaker. Weak muscles are the main cause for hernias.

Related Video – Hernias


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