Posterior blepharitis

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Blepharitis is a disease of the eye which involves the margin of the eyelids and follicle of the eyelashes. It causes irritation, itching, redness and swelling of the eyelids. Blepharitis can be acute or chronic and usually affects adults, but sometimes children can also be affected by this condition. There are two types of blepharitis – anterior and the posterior.

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Anterior blepharitis affects the margins of the eyelids and the area where the eyelashes that are attached to the eyelid while posterior blepharitis occurs in the inside area of the eyelid where the oil secreting glands are found. The sebum secreting glands are called Meibomian glands.

Causes of posterior blepharitis

Posterior blepharitis can be caused by seborrhea dermatitis or dandruff and acne rosacea since the Meibomian glands are found in these area. They hide an oily substance which is a component of tears that protects the eyes and helps the tear film stay over the eye.

Posterior blepharitis
A burning sensation can be felt in the eyes.

Posterior blepharitis occurs when the Meibomian glands are affected. They secrete more or reduced amount of sebum and seborrhea dermatitis develops when there is an excess production of oil which is the best place for bacteria to grow.

Acne rosacea minimizes the production of oil which causes the evaporation of tears and cause eyes to dry. Those who are suffering from rosacea have eye symptoms.

Symptoms of posterior blepharitis may be acute or chronic. It can recur from time to time with periods of remissions. This condition can affect both the eyes and the symptoms are usually severe in the morning upon waking up. Some common symptoms of posterior blepharitis include the following:

  • A burning sensation can be felt in the eyes.
  • Swelling of the eyelids
  • Redness, soreness and itching of the eyes
  • Some crust will develop on the eyelashes upon waking up which causes the eyelids to stick together in the morning.
  • A gritty sensation can be felt in the eye similar to a foreign substance inside the eye.
  • Flakes can develop around the eyes
  • Continuous watering in the eyes. Sometimes acne rosacea causes dryness in the eyes.
  • Sensitivity of the eyes to light
  • The eyelashes turns inwards or there is loss of eyelashes.

Treatment and home remedies of posterior blepharitis

  • Maintaining proper hygiene of the eyes in order to minimize the intensity and severity of the symptoms.
  • Apply a warm compress on the affected area since it helps relieve irritation and soreness of the eyes as well as clearing up the crust that develops on the eyelid margin. Apply a warm compress several times a day.
  • Extract juice from a potato and add a few drops of sterile water. Put a few drops on the eye since it helps lessen the symptoms. Fresh juice is also helpful. The solution can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for future use.
  • Seek medical help if the symptoms persist, even if home remedies were used.
  • If the eyes become dry, lubricate the eyes using artificial tears.

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