Knee pain at the back part can be described as soreness behind the knee joint. It happens with or no movement involved and cause limited movement of the affected area. Pain at the back of the knee causes soreness, discomfort, burning sensation, stiffness, inflammation and pain. Running places significant pressure on the knees and causes knee pain from time to time.
Symptoms of knee pain
- Incapable of exerting weight on the affected knee
- Reduced mobility of the knee
- Pain when stretching the knee
- Stiffness
- Swelling
Incapable of exerting weight on the affected knee.
- Protect the knee from further pain or injury. Take a few days off from walking or running to prevent the worsening of the condition.
- Use crutches to prevent pressure on the affected knee.
- Apply an ice pack on the affected knee for at least 15-20 minutes at 2-3 time every day for fast healing of the condition. Before applying the ice pack, massage the affected knee first. Wrap the ice pack in a towel before applying on the area. Give the knee time to rest in between applications to allow the skin to go back to its normal temperature for at least 1-2 hours before icing the affected knee again.
- Compress the affected knee by wrapping the knee using an elastic bandage to compress the area and mobility of the knee. Avoid wrapping it too tight to prevent any disruption with the blood circulation in the area and worsen the condition.
- Elevate the leg above the level of the heart when lying down to lessen the swelling in the knee. When sleeping at night, prop the affected leg on pillows to raise it above the level of the heart. At day time, sit in a sofa or a recliner chair and prop the leg in a couple of pillows.
- Take the prescribed over-the-counter pain medication such as aspirin, acetaminophen and ibuprofen to lessen the pain and inflammation due to running.
- Wear a knee brace to keep the knee in proper alignment and prevent further injury. A knee brace helps protect the knee against future sprains.
- Wear arch support insoles for the running shoes.
- Perform warming up and cooling down to lessen injuries. Perform at least 5-minute warm-ups and cooling-down.
If the pain is severe and there is no improvement within 2-3 days, seek medical help immediately.
Disclaimer / More Information
The material posted on this page on knee pain is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage joint conditions and injuries including knee pain from running by taking a first aid and CPR class with one of our training providers.