An itching wound is one that starts to heal. The itchy sensation felt can be caused by the growth of new tissue. Scratching an itching wound that is healing can result to damage to the new tissue. It can result to the slowing down of the healing process and puts the body susceptible to wound infection and severe scarring. Harmful bacteria present in the hands can be transferred to the wound and a high risk of developing and infection.
- Wash the wound using soap and water to remove dead cells that cause the irritation.
- Cover the affected area using the basic dressing for wounds to prevent clothes and other materials from rubbing against it and harmful bacteria from getting inside the wound.
Take over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin to relieve the itchiness and pain of the affected area. - Apply cold compress on the affected area for at least 15-20 minutes to lessen the itchiness. The coldness numbs the skin to lessen the sensation of itching. It also narrows the blood vessels of the surrounding areas and lessens itchiness. Avoid placing ice directly on the skin to prevent further damage and worsen the condition.
- In a bathtub filled with water, add a cup of oatmeal and mix until it is totally dissolved. Soak in the oatmeal bath for at least 15-20 minutes and rinse off using warm water without soap. Oatmeal has collodial proteins and mucilaginous contents that prevent the skin from drying out and becoming itchy.
- Apply an over-the-counter medicated anti-itch cream such as calamine cream to lessen the discomfort of an itching wound every 6-8 hours. Avoid applying the cream on the broken skin to prevent further irritation.
- Apply the prescribed antibacterial and anti-itch cream to lessen the discomfort of an itching wound. The cream also prevents the production of protein that cause death of cells and result to itchiness. Another alternative is applying a hydrocortisone cream to lessen the inflammation and itchiness of the area. Apply this cream every 8-12 hours to prevent the skin from becoming itchy.
- Take over-the-counter antihistamines to lessen the symptoms of allergy such as watery eyes, runny nose and itching.
- Take over-the-counter pain medications such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen and aspirin to relieve the itchiness and pain of the affected area.
- Avoid scratching the wound, just rub the wound using mild pressure and avoid using the nails to prevent further irritation.
- Trim the nails properly
- Avoid using products such as soaps and detergents that contains strong chemicals to prevent any delay in the wound healing.
- Moisturize the skin regularly to prevent drying and lessen the itchiness of the skin. Remember that dry skin is susceptible to breaks and irritation.
Disclaimer / More Information
The material posted on this page on an itching wound is for learning purposes only. Learn to recognize and manage wounds by taking a first aid and CPR class with one of our training providers.