Gluten allergy

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Grains such as wheat, barley and rye contain a protein called gluten, which is the main binder in bread, and is also found in many other baked products. Apart from gluten, these products may also contain other proteins that may lead to allergies as well.

Signs and symptoms

Gluten allergy varies amongst individuals. Some of the most common symptoms of gluten allergy include:stomach pain

  • Hives
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Swelling
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Asthma

Symptoms may be potentially life-threatening if the sufferer is highly sensitive to gluten. Candidates enrolled in first aid training learn to manage and recognize patients of first aid training and should contact EMS during any serious or life threatening allergic reaction.


The symptoms appear right after the consumption of gluten or wheat products, where diagnosis is fairly easy. However, the main difficulty lies in the fact that many foods contain wheat—therefore, the actual problem is that it is going to be difficult to determine which food actually caused the allergic reaction.

A doctor may diagnose your condition through a skin prick test to find out if gluten allergy is the cause of the allergic reaction. This is very important as many people may exhibit adverse reactions that may impair their overall health or even lead to death. Establishing what caused the problem will help the doctor decide whether you have to completely eliminate gluten or wheat products from your diet, depending on your sensitivity to gluten. In case of a minor condition, your doctor may restrict your daily gluten intake and prescribe allergy medication to treat minor symptoms.

If the sufferer is a child, he may experience major symptoms such as:

In adults, gluten allergy can be suspected through weight loss, bloating, abdominal cramps and constipation.

A blood test will be conducted by your doctor to confirm the presence of gluten allergy. Once it has been determined that you are suffering from a gluten allergy, your doctor will advise you to eliminate wheat and gluten products from your diet completely. Therefore, it is important that you take the necessary supplements such as thiamin, niacin, riboflavin, magnesium, chromium, phosphorous, folacin and molybdenum to prevent any nutrient deficiencies from occurring. It is important that you diagnose the condition before you develop major symptoms so that you can rule out those foods that may be harmful to you.

Video Related to Gluten Allergies


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