
Fact Checked

Rosacea is a chronic skin disorder with red inflamed patches of skin on the forehead, nose, chin, cheeks and the eyelids. It is a harmless condition unless it affects the eyelids. Rosacea usually affects the skin in the face, ears, neck, chest and scalp. There are four subtypes of rosacea –  erythematolelangiectatic rosacea causes permanent redness of the skin, papulopustular rosacea involves permanent redness with presence of pustules, phymatous rosacea causes enlargement of the nose and the skin becomes thick and ocular rosacea which affects the eyes and eyelids that causes dryness and irritation of the inside part of eyes and the eyelids.

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  • Excessive exposure to the sun makes the condition worse and can cause severe flare ups of rosacea.
  • Performing strenuous exercises that cause extreme flushing can cause rosacea.
  • Eating spicy and hot foods
  • Drinking alcoholic drinks such as red wine and beer
  • Consumption of dairy products especially cheese, sour milk and yogurt
  • Using chemical face peels and medical procedures such as microdermabrasion can make the condition worse.


Irritation of the eyes such as burning, dryness, tearing and general itchiness of the eyes.
  • There is facial redness or flushing
  • Development of pimples
  • Telangiectasia which are small reddened lines on the face
  • Swollen bump on the nose
  • Irritation of the eyes such as burning, dryness, tearing and general itchiness of the eyes.


  • Use sunscreen protection for the face with an SPF of at least 15 to help protect the skin especially the face.
  • Use gentle soaps when washing the face. Avoid using hard soaps in order to prevent the skin from being irritated and making the condition worse.
  • Avoid using toners and astringents that contains alcohol in order to prevent irritation on the skin.
  • Regular intake of green tea helps lessen the irritation, inflammation and dryness of the skin caused by rosacea. Remember that green tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Make a mixture of oatmeal and fresh yogurt. Apply it on the face for at least an hour and rinse it off using cold water.
  • Mix a teaspoon of aloe vera and honey and then add a tablespoon of licorice powder. Mix them well and apply it to the affected areas of the face using a cotton ball. This mixture can be used to manage the condition.
  • Drink tea made from chamomile flowers or apply directly on the affected areas using a cotton ball.
  • Eat foods high in omega 3 fatty acids such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and flaxseed.
  • Eat fruits such as blackberries, cherries and blueberries to lessen the size of the enlarged blood vessels.
  • Avoid eating pickled, spicy, fermented foods, cheese and refined foods.
  • Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages and caffeinated drinks as well as avoid foods that contain preservatives and sweeteners.


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