Treating Animal and Human Bites 

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Human and animal bites can become septic if they’re not evaluated and treated quickly.

Animals have microorganisms in their mouths that can contaminate you if you’re bitten. Consequently, you should always get medical assistance except the wound is small. Bites from a human must always be evaluated by a healthcare expert, as the risk of infections is high.

Wound Cleaning

Human and animal bites can become septic if they're not evaluated and treated quickly. Animals have microorganisms in their mouths that can contaminate you if you're bitten.
Human and animal bites can become septic if they’re not evaluated and treated quickly.
Animals have microorganisms in their mouths that can contaminate you if you’re bitten.

If there is a minor wound from an animal bite, you can cleanse it yourself using cool water before getting medical assistance. If there is substantial blood loss, place a hygienic pad or antiseptic bandage over it and apply direct force. Huge, deep or unclean wounds should be evaluated and treated by a professional.

Types of Bites

The majority of animals are able to bite, but dog bites are normally the most frequent type, including cat bites.

Dog Bites

  • Young kids are usually bitten by dogs, mostly boys aged between five to nine years old.
  • Male dogs are generally responsible and are either domestic pets or dogs that belong to neighbours or friends.
  • Bites from abandoned dogs are infrequent because strays are often suspicious of humans and generally keep their distance.

Cat Bites

  • Majority of cat bites are caused by domesticated cats. Elderly females are usually bitten on the hand while petting their cat.
  • As cats are hunters, they can occasionally react erratically, especially if they’re untamed (not familiar living with humans).

Human Bites

  • Most bites from humans happen during fights when somebody hits another person in the teeth.
  • These kinds of bites are referred to as closed-fist bites.
  • Males between the ages of 16 and 25 are expected to experience bites as they’re most likely to get into fights.

Problems with Animal Bites

Indications that a bite has become infested consist of:

  • Soreness and inflammation around the wound
  • The wound becomes increasingly sore
  • Fluid or discharge leaking from the wound
  • A high fever or flu-like signs if bacteria enters the bloodstream

Seek medical assistance as soon as possible if you think a bite has become septic. Although rare, infected human and animal bites can lead to more severe infections, such as:

  • Sepsis, also known as blood poisoning.
  • Infection of the external layers of the brain (meningitis)

How To Avoid Bites

Don’t leave a child alone with a dog, irrespective of what kind of dog. Many severe dog bites happen when a child is left unattended with a dog.

T avoid being bitten, you can also:

  • Respect a dog’s limits – like many animals, dogs are very territorial.
  • Not touching an unfamiliar cat – it could be abandoned and react in a hostile way.
  • Avoiding over drinking – most individuals who end up fighting were drinking heavily.

Related Video On Animal Bites

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