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Keloids are abnormal growths of fibrous scar tissues on the skin caused by the healing process of certain wounds. They are described as shiny, fibrous nodules or lesions that are rubbery. Keloids can range from red to dark brown or pink to flesh in color. The shoulders, back and the chest are common areas affected by keloids and usually common with dark skinned people.

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These irregular scars usually develop after surgeries or after minor skin injuries such as insect bites and luckily, it is not a malignant condition. Keloids can cause severe pain, itchiness and alterations in the texture of the skin. In addition, they can also develop on the ears, nose and sometimes develop after piercing.

Keloids usually develop on the area of wounds or injuries on the skin such as burns, surgical cuts, minor scratches, traumatic wounds, ear piercings, acne and even chickenpox.

Causes and symptoms

  • Dark skinned individuals with high levels of melanin are more susceptible to keloids.
  • Hereditary factors
  • Keloids usually develop on the area of wounds or injuries on the skin such as burns, surgical cuts, minor scratches, traumatic wounds, ear piercings, acne and even chickenpox.
  • Keloids have irregular shapes and flesh-colored overgrown scars on the surface of the skin. These overgrowths are hard and thick and can be itchy and uncomfortable.


  • If the affected area causes itchiness, apply a warm compress so that the individual will not be tempted to scratch the area and lessen the risk for infection.
  • Apply a warm compress if there is severe pain which can be caused by after-effect of the injury in the area.
  • Aloe vera is a skin regenerating and revitalizing herb that helps heal scars and also prevent excessive formation of collagen on the area that results to keloids. When the wound is in the process of healing, apply fresh aloe vera gel frequently on the scar. Let it remain in the scar and make sure the affected area is clean before applying the gel. Using aloe vera also helps lessen the inflammation around the area, moisturizes the skin without drying and promotes the regeneration of damaged skin. Additionally, aloe vera prevents bacteria and other foreign elements from entering the wound.
  • Massage the scar to help increase circulation of blood in the area and flush out dead cells of skin, aid in fast healing and regeneration of skin. Massage the area in the direction towards the heart for proper flow of blood and prevention of water buildup and swelling of the affected area. Massage helps break down the scar tissue and soften the skin. Use olive or coconut oil when massaging the skin to lessen the dryness and accumulation of dead skin cells.
  • Apply fresh organic honey on the affected skin every day. Honey acts as a humectant or moisturizer that prevents loss of moisture by retaining the natural moisture of the skin. Always bear in mind that dry skin can make keloids deeper.

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